The CARE Center


The CARE (Campus Assault Response and Education) Center promotes a campus culture of care, safety, and respect for all persons. We empower students through education and outreach and provide a supportive, trauma-informed, and student-centered approach in response to gender and power-based personal violence to all students.

The CARE Center staff is available Monday - Friday from 9am - 4:00pm by appointment for confidential consultation either virtually (Zoom) or in-person for concerns related to sexual assault and violence. Email or call 925-631-4193 to schedule an appointment.

The 24/7 CARE Line (925-878-9207) is available for call/text support and resources related to sexual assault and violence during the academic year (support is available first day of classes to last day of classes each semester).  24/7 CARE Line phone resumes 1/3/24.



The Director of the CARE Center provides confidential, compassionate support and resources. 

Our goal is to provide a healthy and safe learning environment for all students, regardless of gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, class, ability, religion, and sexual orientation.

We strive to promote student's well being by helping them develop lifelong skills that improve the quality of life and their relationships. We provide a supportive space for students to explore their own knowledge, experiences, and beliefs about healthy sexuality, consent, healthy/unhealthy relationships, and communication.

Sexual assault, sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, and stalking are not tolerated at Saint Mary's College. The CARE Center supports all students in navigating their own relationships and assists them in understanding how to help contribute to a safe campus community both on a micro and macro level. 

Prevention: Our main focus for the prevention of power-based personal violence is early intervention and risk reduction through training, outreach, and education. This involves collaboration with students, staff, and faculty and the practice of bystander intervention.

Response: We provide affirming and non-judgmental crisis response, advocacy, support, and resources to students affected by sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and/or stalking. Students are provided a safe, comfortable space to learn about their options and to make informed decisions.

Helping Others: We provide support for bystanders, allies, and those in a position to help someone they care about. You can receive guidance from our Office which can help you gain the tools and resources to best support someone in need.

Sexual assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence affect many college students on and off campuses across our country.

  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men will be sexually assaulted during college  
  • 7 out of 10 sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the person
  • 43% of dating college women report experiencing abusive dating behaviors
  • 1 in 4 stalking victims reported some form of cyber-stalking
  • 80% of campus stalking victims knew their stalker

Here are some common questions our office answers:

  • Have I been sexually assaulted?
  • What if I can't remember what happened?
  • What is stalking?
  • What happens if I make a report to Campus Safety or the police?
  • If my partner always makes me feel like it's my fault, is this an abusive relationship?
  • What do I do if I know my friend is being hurt by their partner?
  • How do I talk about consent with my partner?
  • What do I do if my friend told me they were sexually assaulted but they don't want to tell anyone?



CARE Center Events